Multiverse: One universe or Many

Jack Adam
2 min readJan 11, 2021

Let assume you are a fish of a pond then what can you say about the pond? Is it the only pond that exist? Is there exist bigger or smaller ponds than yours? If yes then how much and how many? The all species which you can see in the pond are the only species which exist? Everybody knows the answers of these questions but if I replace fish by human and pond by our universe then what is your answers? Are they same? If they are same then what is the proof ? We can not give the answers of these type of questions but science can at some extent.

Multiverse basically means a group multiple universes.

Our universe came into existence nearly 14 billion years ago with a big bang. In 1980s a group of young physicists Andrei Linde, Paul Steinhardt, Andreas Albrecht and Alan Guth proposed that in the first instant after the big bang the universe underwent a burst of incredibly repaid expansion called Inflation and the Planck satellite’s measurements of the heat left over from the big bang now support the idea.

Cosmic Microwave Background — Planck Satellite

According to inflation the big bang which created our universe may not have been one time event instead it could have happened again, and again, and infinite number of times. As just our big bang created our universe each of those big bang would of created other universes. The math shows the multiverse contain huge varieties of universes ranging from some that are nothing like ours to others that are duplicate of ours.

Is the Inflation theory or Inflation model of universe is right? It is the controversial topic among the physicists. Some say there will be a better alternative, other says it is not true or this model have many problems. Many of you, are thinking now that satellite’s measurements are support the Inflation then what is the problem? It is not the only theory which predict the Planck satellite’s measurements.

What created the bang or ball of light? Inflation theory doesn’t give the of this question and in it infinite big bang happens and they create new universes but what creates the big bang. It is a big question. Physicists are still working on Inflation theory.

Many other theories are also includes the idea of multiverse like String theory. What do you think, the idea of multiverse is real or it just a creation of human mind?

